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August 2014 Club News

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Katanning Shed Ride

Mob milling outside shed.
Chester Smith’s shed collection has to be one of the best I’ve seen. There was a huge variety of artefacts, both household and machinery shed. But first a group of about 20 or more bikes left Albany stopping at Mt Barker for a coffee. Wendy’s family, who were down from Perth on bikes, left us there.

Andrew and Don admiring a beautiful old machine in
          full steam.
We continued up the Albany Highway past the Cranbrook turn-off to turn down the Tambelleup Road, first time I’d been along it and it was a good road, with no traffic and some nice bends. From Tambellup we headed to Broomehill where we regrouped before heading to Katanning and the sheds. Ian waited by the driveway to show where we needed to turn.

Wes demonstrating to Ian and Philip how to use an old
When we arrived we were greeted by Wes and Barb from Bremer, John and Kerry from Gnowangerup, Gerald and two mates from Kulin, Don from Katanning and Philip from Kojonup - just goes to show how spread out our members are.

1958 350cc Matchless in foreground.
Chester Smith and his family were very welcoming with a fire going and large urn with tea and coffee supplied. Chester gave us a talk on his collection before we headed into the neatest sheds. There were three sheds, one with mainly household wares, one farm stuff, household as well as in the shed. Then his main shed with all types of machinery, signs, a Matchless 350cc, old push bikes, stationery engines, tractors, the list goes on.

Bob, Ian and Max discussing an old motor called “The
We were there for quite a while, before signing the book and if you wished there was a box where you could put some change in to go towards the upkeep of the place. Great place, special thanks to Garry Taylor for organising it.

The sheds were very clean, neat and well laid out.
We then seemed to split up a bit, we got some fuel then headed to the new sheep yards which were worth millions to build, before heading home. Ian, Kim, Bob and Chris and myself stopped for a coffee in Cranbrook before heading down back down the highway.

Great day and ride, and the weather was perfect.

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