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August 2014 Club News

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Military Ride to Denmark

Jim telling them what it did.
The original idea was a ride to Denmark, stopping at Youngs Siding on the way and then a ride around Scotsdale Road. But Jim Sharp came up with the idea of having a look at a recently finished military museum 10ks from Denmark, where they would do an admission, scones, jam and cream, tea and coffee for $5 - sounds like a good plan.

Group gathering in Albany.
With a big crowd of over 34 bikes with plenty of pillions as well as visitors at the info bay in Albany we headed off around Marine Drive and onto the Lower Denmark Road and past Youngs Siding, where Francesco was waiting, so he joined the group.

Plenty of scones and hot drinks were provided.
It wasn’t long before we arrived at the museum (Halcyon Park, in between the Sleeman and Hay Rivers) to see another six of our riders from Denmark as well as heaps of scones, already jammed and creamed ready to be eaten.

Part of the collection of military nursing uniforms.
After devouring them we wandered in amazement through the memorabilia in John and Catherine’s private museum. Apparently they are not allowed to open to the public because of council bylaws - ridiculous isn’t it - but groups like ours were more than welcome. The collection was very impressive particularly as most of it had only been acquired in the last 4 1/2 years, we spent a fair bit of time there before heading off to Denmark where we had lunch by the river.

Arriving in Denmark.
Most took the opportunity of riding around Scotsdale Road - one of the best roads in WA, particularly on a clear winter’s day with no cars.

Andrew and his "new" Honda 90.
It was great to see Des Gaze on the back of Clive’s trike. Also Wes who made the trip in from Bremer picking up John from Gnowangerup on the way. It was a great social day. Thanks very much to Lez Baines for doing back-up duties, and congratulations to Andrew who rode his recently acquired 1960’s Honda 90 all the way at 70kmh - sometimes a bit under.

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