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June 2014 Club News

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Easter Rock Ride

Story by Bruce

Easter's coming up so asked around who wanted a camping ride. Enough takers so decide to head north east to Elachbutting Rock, 70km past Muckinbudin near Bonnie Rock on Friday for two days and check out some other rocks in the area.

Gathering the gang in the bush.
Three sidecars and three solos and two cars meet at JCs block on Thursday night ready for 9am start. Off to Meckering for fuel then Kylie and Barbara head off on bitumen to Mucka as Barb lost the brake pads on front right caliper, so clamped off brake hose and all good.

The rest of us turned left and took the dirt all the way through to Elachbutting Rock via the Rabbit Proof Fence North Road. Pretty easy going as no traffic or patrol cars to worry about.

Arrive at camp site to be greeted by Kylie and Barbara guarding a top camp spot from other campers. Set up camp and settled down for a quite beer and BBQ. Nice and quiet so had a sleep-in till 8 then a walk to check out rock. A very interesting place with lots of different formations including a small wave, cave and large chunks that appeared to have cracked off.

The mountaineers.
Warming up a bit so headed off to Beringbooding Rock 20 km up the road. Very interesting place with the largest water catchment in Australia running into a monster tank built in the early 1930s.

          pushed this rock up the hill.Tried to hold the balancing rock up but was hot work, about 33 degrees so had a skinny dip in the large greenish namma hole with Barbara.
Bruce contaminating the water.

Two original wells still in good condition near the carpark and old sheep dip still to be seen as well.
Camping spot not as nice as Elachbutting. Off to Bonnie Rock to check out old town site, not much left except hall and pony club. Down the road to another rock but not much there so decide to take the old Mt Jackson Road back to camp for lunch.

This road was abandoned so we were following Clive’s GPS as the track had pretty well disappeared. Came across another rock and more wells, then had to bush bash the last 1km to get back on a gravel road.

After lunch a few of us went and did a bit more exploring then home for beer and nibbles and a quiet night with the new campers on site making a racket with party lights. On closer inspection by Barb they were all older than us for a change.

Camping in the dry bush.
Pack up in the morning and some heading home, the last five of us headed up the top road via Beacon to Wongan Hills and camped at Dingo Rock. No one else there as no camping allowed so very peaceful.
Next day headed back to Perth via Toodjay and home.

The weather was perfect. The scenery great. The company excellent. Well recommended to visit sometime. About 1080kms all up.

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