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June 2014 Club News

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Hutt River Ride

Story by Bruce

Kylie leaning on the Border of Hutt River.
ANZAC weekend and Bikes Unlimited are having a run to Hutt River Province to see Prince Leonard. Me and Kylie decided to join them and headed off Thursday at 3pm with Rhod to stay the night at my cousin’s farm near Eneabba in the shearing  quarters, arriving at 7pm. Good timing as it started to rain and kept going all night.

Five am Dave was off to Dawn Service, but pouring rain so we rolled over for a sleep-in. Off to Geraldton for soup and coffee with more cousins before heading to Hutt River. Copped a bit of rain near Dongara but a nice day apart from that.

Hundreds of camper trailers and boats heading back to Perth as the wet weather in Kalbarri cut their holidays short.

Bruce and Prince Leonard.
Arrive at Hutt River via Binnu to be greeted by the Prince and see you in the morning. A couple of the lads were already on-site so we all waited for the van and trailer to arrive with booze and food on board.

The other five riders turned up by 6pm so time for tall stories and bullshit. A couple of Scottish backpackers were the only other campers so cranked up the music and invited them to join us. Too much snoring and farting in the campers shelter got the first lads up by 6am followed by more music, so had breakfast and went up to be entertained by Prince Leonard. He can tell a few tall stories of his fame as well.

Another wet stop on the Hutt River Ride.
Back to Northhampton to refuel and went via Nabawa and Walkaway to Dongara, nice bypass of Geraldton, where we copped the next lot of heavy rain. Into Port Denison for lunch but too wet so off to Eneabba pub instead. Had a nice burger and pizza while talking to the owners who have only just taken over the pub. Jay has a Sportster so was keen to drum up business with bikers. He bribed me and Kylie with four crayfish to spread the word, so call in next time you are going past.

Room to camp out the back he said. Rang the rest who were setting up camp at the Jurien Bay turn off rest area and said  the rain was coming, how about we go to my cousins machinery shed for shelter? All agreed so had toilet, fire and roof and a bed for me and Kylie. Perfect, more lies, bullshit and beers till late.

Up early again, that's what happens when the blokes all share the shed floor. Cooked brekky and headed home. Lovely day and we pulled up just in front of next rain. All up 1100km and great ride.

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