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The weather was looking good for the near-300km ride through
the Stirlings. It was decided at the start to change the
direction we’d travel and go to Boxwood Hills for a coffee first
and then lunch at the Stirlings after.
So around 23 bikes took off from Albany in excellent riding
conditions. Frank and Jill had a busy time serving us at the
Boxwood Hills roadhouse, but being Club members they were
expecting us and the service was excellent.
Unfortunately we missed Wes and Barbara from Bremer Bay who
rode out on their Ducatis to meet us just after we’d left. The
ride then took us on the Borden Road, heading towards the
Stirlings before arriving at the Chester Pass Road junction.
We then rode through some lovely bends before arriving at the
picnic area at the turn-off to Bluff Knoll, finding a shady spot
where it was easy to eat lunch. Before long it was time to head
home. Great ride and company.