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February 2014 Club News

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Shed and BBQ Ride

Pics and Story by Antoinet

Beautiful day for a ride. A good turn out left from the info centre to go along Menang Drive, South Coast Highway to Marbellup Road.

Arthur Voss (right) showing Club members around his
We kept on going to Big Grove to admire Arthur Voss' sheds, Garry Taylor had organised the ride. So many sheds and so much machinery and tools. Just about everything was there: tractors, tools, mincers, traps, lots of golf balls, etc... Afterwards we had a cuppa admiring the view towards town. It was great to see Andy at Arthur’s' place.

Ronnie, Wendy and Antoinet.
After we said our goodbyes we took off to Frenchman's Bay for the annual BBQ. Of course the barbecue's were not working or in use by other people. The club's BBQ came in handy again! A very quiet afternoon enjoying other club members' company.

Frenchmans Bay afternoon BBQ.
Thanks to Garry Taylor for organising the ride and thanks to Ronnie for doing back up.

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