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August 2013 Club News

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Newdegate Pub Ride

Story & pictures by Antoinet (with poem by Harley)

The crew's motorbikes at the pub.
A good turnout from Perth and Albany to go and catch up and have a good night at the Newdegate pub. The weather was fine until Jerramungup after that it got colder and we had some rain.

Tea break at Amelup.
We had our morning-tea break at Amelup and some had lunch in Jerramungup and others had a bite to eat in Ravensthorpe. After that via Lake King to Newdegate. It was so good to stop and get warm in the pub and have a hot chocolate to warm up.

Sing-along with Kylie.
We had a meal in the dining room and settled in to catch up with Perth members and locals. John and Louise had a fun game organized, picking up a cereal box with your teeth without using your hands. Bit tricky, some of the locals tried very hard too and we were surprised at the efforts of some people. Amazing how flexible some of them are.

Frozen white seats in the morning, it had been minus 3 at night and we were all keen for hot coffee/tea. Ronnie and the owner of the pub did a great job cooking us bacon and eggs.

On the road back to Albany.
A very nice and sunny but cool ride back home. Bob and Chris followed in the car and we had some stops along the way. Heard lots of positive stories about the evening so maybe we could go there again!

The Pub Run

By Harley Trent

The call came in from The Newdegate Pub,
We’ve got good cold beer and lots of grub.
From Albany and Perth they came,
You could tell they were there by the noise
they made,
As well as by the games they played.
The local gals joined in to give the boys a run,
But their bits stayed in just to spoil the fun.
The night was well done with a good breakfast
well run.
The ice in the morning was not well received,
But with a good hot coffee we were well relieved.
On the road we headed into the sun,
A good night out and lots of fun.

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