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Another day of fun up at Julimar Forest on the dirt bikes to
celebrate Sally's 25th birthday the next day. Glad we got lots
of rain during the week to add water to the track.
As you can see from the pictures there was great fun to be had
splashing through water and attempting to climb steep
Sally celebrated her 25th birthday by rolling around in the
dirt. No one got a picture of me head-butting the gum tree as I
parked the DR 650 against it. Tom lost the TTR 250 in the greasy
stuff and hurt his knee big time, but everyone else that fell
off was laughing too much to get hurt, so we all enjoyed
Huw rode around in circles for two hours till he found us. We
will be going again before it dries out, hopefully camping
overnight this time.
John thought his car was a 4x4 which it wasn’t. For a carton Tom pulled him out!