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Ronnie had been busy arranging an overnight ride to Pemberton
to meet the Indian Harley Club from Bunbury. We left Albany on
Saturday morning and the weather was superb. We rode though
Rocky Gully, where Philip O’Halloran was waiting for us, then
onto Manjimup and Pemberton via the back roads. We stopped at
Lake Muir for a break and some photo opportunities. Ronnie
descended on a loose bolt on Chris' BMW, to Bob's dismay. Chalk
up -1 to BMW and +1 to Indian.
To meet us there were some members of the Bunbury Club, who
were already set up. Most were in cabins, with the hardy camping
mob sleeping under canvas. After a short while we were joined by
Club members from Perth who also had a great ride down.
While we were eating nibbles and enjoying a drink, a couple of
parrots thought that Chris could do with company, landing on her
head and arm to much hilarity. Some used the brilliant BBQ
facilities, cooking a variety of steaks, whilst others enjoyed a
meal at the pub.
The rest of the night was spent around the fire. Next morning if
you hadn’t brought your breakfast it was back to the pub for a
good feed. The ride home via Northcliffe and Walpole was most
enjoyable especially as we were riding ahead of a cold front.
When Chris and I got home, we had just finished putting the
bikes and gear away when a hail storm hit Albany. Good timing! I
wouldn’t have fancied that with an open-face helmet.
Outside the pub on the Sunday morning before heading for home.