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April 21 was supposed to be the Opening Day of the Denmark
Machinery Restoration Group’s new shed and the Club was invited
Unfortunately the Opening Day was postponed to a later date
(the toilets hadn’t been completed). They rang us up the
Thursday before to tell us this, but said they would open the
shed up anyway and we would be most welcome to come.
A smallish group started off from Albany with threatening
weather and it did more that threaten as we were caught in a few
heavy downpours, but it didn’t dampen our spirits and we all
arrived in Denmark in one piece, some with pies in their hands.
The shed is brilliant with some fascinating machinery in it.
It's early days yet and they hope in the future to have a
replica railway station and carriages. Also the machinery in the
shed labelled so as visitors can be informed of their history,
yet another shed, and upgraded grounds etc.
It will be interesting to go back there when this is all done.
Thanks Reg for doing back-up duties.