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August 2011 Club News

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Narrikup and Mt Barker Hill Ride

Mob outside the
It was one of those sunny winter days, although the wind was pretty cold, but that didn’t deter the usual large crowd of riders and pillions from meeting at the usual spot for a ride to the top of Mt Barker Hill. We headed towards the Porongurups, turning off down the Yellanup Road, lovely road.

Suzie and
Then to Narrikup for a break and a coffee - if you brought it - as the shop is now shut. Then down Spencer Road, which is now much improved, to the Denmark-Mt Barker Road.

For those who didn’t have any lunch with them, the Bakery was very welcome, before heading up the scene of the old Mt Barker Hillclimb to the top of the hill where the tower is.

As the day was unusually clear it was possible to see the islands in the Sound in Albany - beautiful. Then it was time to return to Albany and with the wind behind us it was a very cruisy ride.

Thanks to Don and Judy for going back-up, see you all on the next one.

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