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August 2011 Club News

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Girls Weekend Away - June 2011

By Raelene Blake

Girls bike
We had a record number of girls for our “Heels on Wheels” weekend away this year. The weather forecast was not very promising but it wasn’t going to deter 11 keen ladies looking forward to a great weekend of riding  and fun: Chris, Meagan, Tammie, Chris S, Lidia, Sue, Rowena, Jeanette, Deb, Joyce, Kathy, Lorelle (visiting from SA). Jill arrived at the last minute on her “L”s. 3 riders joined us in Pemberton from Perth, giving us a total of 14!

Girls ready to
We headed off to Frankland River for our first fuel stop for the smaller tanks and “faster” riders. We had a quick coffee and kept moving as it was quite cold and wet. Once we left Frankland the sun came out and the day improved markedly. We regrouped at Boyup Brook and then headed for Bridgetown. Well the heavens opened and the wind howled, it was almost like being in another zone! This wild weather persisted until we reached Bridgetown. We all quickly headed to the 1912 restaurant for something hot for lunch. The soup was popular and delicious.

Some people fuelled up again and then we headed to Pemberton as it was getting late and quite overcast.
We were staying at the Gloucester Motel. Some people hadn’t been there before. I had, but still managed to take the wrong turn, but with a bit of conferring retraced our tracks and arrived to see Tammie and Meagan waving us up the hill to the correct entrance. We were met at the motel by Jo, with Kylie and Kaz arriving a bit later from Perth.

A few girls then headed into town for “provisions” of the liquid kind.  Others made coffee and settled down outside the motel rooms with chairs and recapped tales of the day. Jill had done really well, especially in such trying weather conditions.

Girls at the
            barWhen the girls got back we all enjoyed a wine and then it was time for everyone to shower and get ready for dinner. Meagan outdid everyone in her purple ankle boots and coat to match. She looked stunning. How did she get it all in her panniers?

We had been given a large table and had a room to ourselves. A wise move as we were quite noisy by now... plus Kaz decided to give an impromptu floor show!

Girls ready to go

The food was excellent and everyone was enjoying a wine or two. But it had been a long day and everyone was heading to bed by 11pm.

There were a few people that had a sleepless night due to snoring “room-mates” or a couple in a neighbouring room “making up” after a heated row early in evening!

Next morning, it was still raining when we got going. We went into town for breakfast to a great coffee shop in the main street.  

We took the main road out to the Manjimup road  to head to Walpole. Jo, Kylie & Kaz were all going back to Perth.

It was a wet ride to Walpole but the weather cleared as we arrived and there were a lot of partners and club members there to meet us. We took over the verandah outside the coffee shop as usual, then enjoyed a nice sunny ride back to Albany.

See you all next year, although Meagan is thinking about organizing a weekend away later this year. We will be looking forward to it.

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