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February 2009 Club News

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Summer Old Bike Ride

The first weekend in January saw a huge turn-out of bikes for the “Bring Your Oldest Bike” Ride to Youngs Siding, Muttonbird and then lunch at Emu Point. The Vintage Motorcycle Club joined us on this ride and it was great to see new (and old) faces and different bikes.

Paul's 1918 HarleyThere was a great mix of veteran to modern bikes and everything in between. And to top it all, with two trailers at the ready, there were no breakdowns. It was the inaugural ride for Paul Armstong’s 1918 1000cc Harley and it went as well as it looked. As I was overtaking it at 50mph Paul opened the throttle and the bike shot forward at great speed.

Youngs Siding verandah lurkersThe stop at Youngs Siding saw Mike Hyland and Ike down from Denmark before we took off for Muttonbird. It was then into Albany around Marine Drive to Emu Point. The weather was beautiful, so the boat harbour was full as was most of the Point itself.

But we ended up sitting under trees next to the water at the Squid Shack end of the beach - lovely spot. It was a great ride with everyone enjoying the day - hopefully we will see more of the Vintage Motorcycle Club on future rides. We are, of course, always invited on their rides as well.

Thanks to Ronnie’s mate Martin for towing Ronnie’s trailer and Kevin Palfrey for bringing another trailer in case we had more breakdowns than we could handle.

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