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February 2008 Club News

Bremer Bay Pub Ride

Oldest bike grabs all the attentionThere was a good roll up of bikes and two sidecars for the 320km round trip to Bremer when a trio of Veteran bikes pulled into the carpark, led by Andrew on his 1914 Triumph followed by 2 BSA’s of Lyntons bringing up the rear. Unfortunately they thought that it was a short ride, but that’s in 2 weeks' time. What a shame, it would have been great to see the bikes on a ride, so we’ll have to co-ordinate it better next January when Andrew is down.

Mind you he assured me that in its day his bike would do 60mph, although not game to do it these days, especially with veteran brakes.
They decided on a ride to Muttonbird to see Richard, so after bidding farewells we were off. First stop was Wellstead, where Jack Rowe was already there and Wes and Barbara turned up, returning from Wignall’s Blues Festival.

Doing it tough at Bremer Bay Pub
After an extended stop we headed off to the pub, what a great day for a ride, the weather perfect. Some went to the beach for lunch, but most went to the pub so tables were put together on the verandah and meals and drinks ordered.

Great place, the views from the verandah are superb, the Barren Ranges were very distinct in the distance. Wes and Barbara (who live near Bremer) turned up on their Ducati’s to join us for a drink.
While we were there Aaron was telling me that on the way to Bremer his bike started playing up, he pulled over by the side of the road wondering what was wrong. Anyway there was a white goat in the paddock next to him. The goat said, “It’s a loose HT lead”. As you can imagine Aaron was a bit surprised at a goat saying this, but checked the HT lead and it was loose! He put it on correctly and away he went, the bike not missing a beat all the way to Bremer.
At the pub he said to the barman, “I need a drink. I had trouble with the bike on the way here, and a white goat in a paddock told me what the problem was, I can’t believe my luck!”
“Yep, you were lucky,” said the barman, “If it had been the black goat he knows f*** all about motorbikes.”
Have Wes and Barbara got goats?

After a long lunch we headed back to Albany, stopping at Wellstead again, this time for an ice-cream, premium fuel was $1.60/litre incidentally. Eventually we headed home, Daniel having a longer trip than most on his Guzzi living the other side of Denmark.

A most enjoyable day, I think we spent around 3½ hours riding and 3½ hours talking!

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