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February 2008 Club News

Gymkhana and Christmas Party

Going as slow as you can, feet-upWell, wasn’t that good fun! The afternoon kicked off with the Gymkhana, two at a time weaving in and out of the witches hats without putting your foot down - great fun, with no disasters. Then there was the go-slow race, run in different heats, Barry Robson and Ray Macneall were doing well with this.

Chucking the helmet was next, Ronnie manages to throw the helmet the highest, I think, with it just missing the trusty Commodore before it was moved. Would have been a bit funny explaining the broken window to the insurance company.

The paper race is always entertaining. You’ve have to pick up papers in one bucket and drop them in another some distance away, quite difficult when you have a clutch - not so bad on a postie bike. Ross got the knack of this pretty well.

Dangerous chairs from the look of itMusical Chairs was hilarious with bodies being hurled with abandon at the treasured chairs. And with Ronnie being sneaky at one stage pinching a chair from under the bum of a competitor.

Rolling the Wheel, not as easy as you think unless you know the technique, Ross was an old hand at doing this and once the others watched his technique they were all into it, “Roll it from your back!!!”

And there was of course the popular riding the plank, made a bit more difficult by putting in a see-saw and narrower plank. The younger ones were having a great time taking to the challenge.

Finishing off the afternoon was the wildly entertaining game of Motorcycle Soccer. This was a huge hit with the players and the audience. The final score was a bit lop-sided but the fun wasn’t. This was so popular that there is now talk of regular games - better get into training!

By 5.30pm most had retired to the bar. The hall was decked out with the old ’24 AJS on one side and Colin's 74 Z Kawasaki on the other, both lit up with lights - looked great Gary.

The BBQ’s were lit and later everyone tucked into their dinner before the skits started. Phil and Des in the meantime had a surprise up their sleeve presenting Bob and Neil with Life Membership for services to this Club and previous Club work. This was greatly appreciated by Neil and myself - thanks to Phil and Des and Club members.

A further complete surprise was an Appreciation Award to Chris Rees, the Award read: “In recognition of your overall behind-the-scenes assistance given to Bob in his role as President and Editor. Together with your position of Club Membership Secretary, your efforts in encouraging womens interests in motorcycling with weekend rides and fund-raising, and your patience and assistance given freely to club members.” I thought it very well deserved and worth relaying in full here.

Then followed the skits, kicked off by Phil reciting some funny poetry, which he’s very accomplished at.

Keeping an eye on Ronnie's colorectal regionThen the Colorectal Surgeon (Marilyn Smith) and nurse (Chris Rees) operated on the patient (Ronnie Jellesma), this was hilarious. They were accompanied by Alex and myself singing an appropriate song accompanied by the guitar. Nevertheless it would have to be said that the operation was a success and Ronnie definitely needed to be operated on!

Phil then did another poem/song to much applause. Gary and Cherie Carlsen then did a series of solo and double skits which were absolutely brilliant from Gary as a vicar to Cherie a prostitute, they were very well done. But the skit that got me was Gary dressed up in yellow Wiggles T-shirt, his jocks, back tights and a crown on his head doing a series of impersonations of a king, I had tears rolling down my cheeks ha ha.

The finale was Jim Sharpe and Liz Barber doing a very funny skit about a banana - you had to be there.
It was then back to the bar and chatting before the caretaker announced he was about to set off his cannon (miniature replica of a Yankee civil war cannon), it will shoot 800m!

This he did to great delight of the crowd, dressed as a Yankee soldier and assisted by one of the younger party-goers. He seemed to take great delight in running around in the gunpowder smoke afterwards.

Then more drinks etc before the evening ended. Everyone who went enjoyed themselves - a great day.
The Rifle Club venue is excellent for what we wanted, thanks to Gary Carlsen for organising it - much appreciated.

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