Perth Branch | Economy | Indian Harley 2 Day | Coalmine | Narrikup | Calendar
With just over 20 bikes assembled on a perfect March morning we
headed off for Narrikup via Manypeaks and the South Stirlings. We
reassembled at South Stirlings where we realised Daniel's Moto Guzzi
wasn't there.
Somebody on a gold Honda had stopped with them apparently before
they left Albany. So after a bit of discussion we figured they were
more than likely to be OK and carried onto Kamballup Store.
There some of the local Hog Club were returning from Pingrup Races,
and apparently had a great time. Mmmmm, not a bad idea! It was then
down the Woogenellup Road and then Narrikup for lunch. We were starting
to see a few locusts around again - they're hard to kill off this year.
Narrikup had a market day in the morning (if that makes sense), but
unfortunately we were too late as they were just finishing packing up -
there's a pity eh ladies? After lunch most decided to head home. The
Denmark crew had company as some riders decided to continue to Denmark
and then back to Albany.
Unfortunately, I had too much going on in the shed and volunteered to go home and get stuck into bikes that needed attention. Ronnie took a lot of persuasion but he and Antoinet ventured along an undiscovered road to Denmark and hopefully a good ride home, although I think they would have come across more locusts.