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April 2007 Club News

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March Long Weekend at Coalmine Beach

March long weekend and there was only one place to be - Relaxing at Coalmine Beach, Walpole. We seemed to be down a little on numbers, but enthusiasm was high.

Bob and Mary had made the trip down from Boyup Brook to pick the trailer up and fill it up with wood, at the same time going back-up. We rode through Denmark, bikes and stomachs had been rumbling along nicely, before stopping for lunch at Bow River, a lovely spot.
Huw, Gary and Andy with Triumph

When we arrived at our camping spot, a few of the mob were there already, Barry & Sue, Ron, as well as new members Robin and Kenny. Ike and Philip were there as well out for a ride. During the rest of the afternoon different riders appeared, including a large number of Perth BMW Club members.

We have been sharing this spot with them for some time and its good to mingle with different people now and again. Huw came in later on in the afternoon and Dutch Harry arrived in darkness and at a slow pace due to the amount of roos on the road. It was a great night chatting to anyone and anybody. The weather was perfect.

Next morning wood fires were burning as the smell of bacon and eggs wafted around the campsite. We always seem to do a lot of talking at these camps and before we knew it was nearly 11 am - time for a ride. Chris wanted to go to the swinging bridge, just north of Walpole, and volunteered to lead us there!
Chris leads the way - into mass confusion

After the bitumen ended the track was quite corrugated, with Chris and bike bouncing along beautifully. I then met a bloke in a 4WD who said the track is pretty rough a bit further along - so be careful, it was also private land.

Not long after I’d finished talking to this bloke the riders were returning - yep, bit too rough and sandy. Chris then led us back to Walpole where we enjoyed a coffee as well as a bite to eat. Time to jump back on the bikes, Chris would lead the way again along the North Walpole Road before turning towards the Bow River Store.

We came to a T-junction, turn left we said, turn right she went before doing a u-turn to point the bike in the right direction. It’s all good fun isn’t it. We then headed back to camp. That afternoon we had a great time having a go at Dave and his space-age helmet as well as being sort of impressed with the gimmicks on his bike. The bike even puts itself on the centre stand!
"...that's to massage your left buttock in a clockwise motion..."

Ronnie lent me and Chris his Road King for a squirt down the road - the motor is very impressive, smooth and quiet. Towards evening Ken Ridges and partner joined us. I amused myself playing my guitar, while the rest - you guessed it - chatted. The noise police were around at 10.30pm, a bit absurd, but there you go.

Next morning a gentle ride home via Ronnie and Antoinet’s place for coffee. Great weekend - great company.
We’re back there again next year - the price has been put up by 50c to $9.00 each - good value isn’t it?

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