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Kendenup Cafe | Kamballup | Narrikup | Great Trip  | Calendar

Kendenup Cafe

KENDENUP CAFE: The cafe in question.THERE were light showers off and on all the way to Kendenup, but nobody seemed to mind, just enjoying the ride.

Unfortunately they couldn’t fit us all in for lunch at the cafe.

Those that did dine in luxury reported that the meal was excellent. But then again so was the pie and coffee, and as we’re a motorcycle club the ride is the whole point of the day. 

It was still drizzling when we were ready to return to Albany, although the closer to Albany, the drier the roads (that’s something different!).

Even though things didn’t quite go to plan, it was still and enjoyable ride in good company. Thanks to Kim and Maxine for going back-up.

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