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Ladies Pink Ribbon Ride

Girls with a mission

Our Pink Ribbon Ride fundraiser for breast cancer was held on Sunday, October 27. We had 9 bikes - 7 solo, 2 sidecars and 2 car loads of ladies. Judy and Mary had bras and padding adorning the front to the sidecar, and Jan was photographed in Burgundy lace!

Debbie had a pair of large rubber breasts in hand for donations! Our first stop in Denmark was at Ken and Anne Richardson-Newton who kindly opened their garden for us to wander through - it was nothing short of magnificent. We presented him with a small plaque (donated by Pots R Us) in appreciation.

From there we went to Lynette's for lunch and more garden viewing. Lynette and Marg certainly worked hard to "fill us up". Dewsons in Denmark had also donated some of the food and Denmark Nursery gave a pink rose bush to raffle - won by Chris.

It was hard to keep moving after relaxing over lunch, but we had arranged to meet "Those with an interest in Breasts" (the menfolk) at Nornalup for coffee and cake. Rubber breasts were passed around for donations and were well filled!

All in all we raised $371 for the Cancer Foundation and had a great day.

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