Pink Ribbon | Peaceful Bondy | Extravaganza & Hillclimb | Cosy Breakfast | Nanarup Airstrip | Calendar
There was a big turnout for the Peaceful Bay ride. When we met the Denmark riders there was a total of 32 bikes! Add the number of pillions and there was well over 40 people. Vintage Motorcycle Club members and new Denmark residents Ruby & Geoff (500cc AJS) also joined us for the ride.
The perfect spring day guaranteed a great run to Peaceful Bay, majority taking the Scotsdale Road route. The picnic facilities in Peaceful with gazebo and BBQ are excellent, and most lingered for quite a while before heading home.
Unfortunately the back-up trailer found a customer as John Bond's sidecar outfit appeared to have an electrical fault shortly after leaving Peaceful Bay. There was quite a large contingent of members sitting on a wall in Denmark eating ice-creams when the back-up vehicle, trailer and outfit drove past. It must have been a moving sight as everyone rose to their feet and clapped heartily.
Later, after the outfit was unloaded at the Bond's residence, Bondy hit the start button and guess what? It went.
A great day, thanks to Peter and Judy for going back-up.