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THE weather wasn't looking good for the camping trip to the Stirlings on January 23, although Saturday morning wasn't too bad, windy, but no rain, the forecast was woeful. Slick RidersIt was good to see some new members turn up at the Amity Tavern. There were about a dozen bikes, although about half were just going for the day ride. Off we went to Mt Barker, a quick stop, before heading to Kamballup, where some of the older bikes filled up. Then onto the Stirlings, the weather was starting to look a bit bleaker with some very black clouds. After booking in, setting up tents or moving into cabins we had a look around the park, including the swimming pool where one of the younger members of our group was having a swim. A few drops of rain started to fall, then a few more, so we ended up sitting on the verandah of the camp kitchen, here we had a most enjoyable time, eating nibblies and having a drink of whatever was your poison. A bit later in the well organised camp kitchen, we put a few tables together, cooked our various meals, drank a bit more, chatted, laughed and told stories, all in all a very entertaining evening . Next morning (still raining) breakfast back in the kitchen, and then off to the Lily Windmill for morning tea. 

As most of the group headed off, I started to kick the AJS into life, but without success! Heather was standing next to me saying, "You can swear if you want to." "No," I says, "It'll start in a sec". I gave the points a spray of CRC, and checked the spark, it was huge, so as it had been raining throughout the night I figured there might be some water in the carby as its exposed bell mouth has no air filter. So I put some fuel on the plug and continued kicking, no luck. (On reflection I should have drained the carbie). Ian came over and he gave it a few kicks before the kickstart lever slipped somehow and Ian sort of dislocated his knee. It looked like his leg was facing the wrong way, very painful, it took him quite a while before he could get his leg back in the right position. I gave the bike a few more kicks and in the process kicked the kick start lever off and damaged my knee. 

So I was rolling around on the ground with my crook knee, swearing a bit by this time, Ian was supporting himself against the wall and Heather was laughing so much she had tears rolling down her cheeks. At the same time Andrew walked over and asked if we did this for fun? -- of course we do!!! When we'd all recovered we gave the bike a push start and it fired, so off we went to the Lily. The rain was very heavy. 

By the time we got to the Lily the others had made themselves comfortable and were tucking into their morning tea, the food at the Lily by the way is great. Before long we were back on the road to Albany. Apart from my bike not starting, the only other problem we had was with the Puch which every now and again would die, but then would pick up speed again. Ian suggested it sounds like I need to decoke the mufflers, which could be right as it seems to be down a bit on power too. Garry was riding the Puch (which over the years has been called something close to a Fuch!!) and it was his first ride for over 25 years, we thought he'd done very well, particularly considering the bad weather. Everyone enjoyed themselves, which goes to prove that it's no good sitting at home wondering about the weather -- get out, jump on the bike and ride. Thanks to Heather & Ian for organising the weekend.