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Numbat Rally

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IT'S the long weekend in June, so it's got to be Numbat time.
Only a small group assembled at 9 am on Saturday at the Amity Tavern for the trip to the rally site, about 40kms east of York.
There was Chris and me, Ian (Macca) and Jenny, Peter Boshell riding with us as far as Narrogin, and setting off at the same time were Hugo, Ray & Christine Prior.
The weather was great, although maybe a bit cold.
Off up the Great Southern Hwy, stopping at Cranbrook, Katanning for fuel and onto Narrogin, where we stopped for lunch.
The food in the cafe on the main street is always good.
Dave Ward from Dumbleyung was there with his dog, KT (his bike's a K100&127;RT), which is where the name comes from.
It's a great dog, in summer it has a leather jacket and goggles. But as winter had arrived she wore her specially made Dri-rider coat.
As soon as Dave walks near his bike, KT is up there, on her special seat and harness, donning her Dri-rider caused interest as well as amusement, KT wagging her tail through a special hole in the back!!!
Then onto the rally. As we pulled in Gordon & Josie, members from Newdegate arrived on their Guzzi.
We soon spotted Bob & Mary Sutcliffe and Phil Penny who had found a nice spot sheltered from the wind. There also was Huw Jones from Perth, Gunner, Miles, who went to Philip Island with us last year, and another half a dozen familiar faces from the BMW Club camped with us.
We had a most enjoyable evening, with some noticeable highlights.
Chris had cooked us chilli con carne & rice, very nice too, warmed it up on the fire and served on paper plates. I was still eating mine, when Chris got up for something and put her half eaten dinner on her chair!
Guess what happened!! Ha Ha! she sat down on the plate on her chair, yelling out, "What have I sat on?" Everyone looked on in much amusement as she turned around with chilli con carne and rice stuck to the seat of her leather jeans.
I was laughing too much to help, but a gallant South African bloke said I've had 5 kids and used to clean dirty bums, as he wiped her bum with a paper towel.
A little later Macca who was standing one side of a burning hay bale, saw Jen and Miles on the other side, so he thought he'd surprise them by running through the hay bale!!!
This turned out to be a bit thicker than he thought as he struggled through it, which wouldn't have been so bad, but he also tripped over a rock and landed heavily on his shoulder . . . Jenny and Miles were surprised!
He then limped into camp with a damaged shoulder, burnt hands, bloody face, burnt the sleeve of his thermal t-shirt and worst of all couldn't lit a fag without assistance!!!!!!
He said the Wild Turkey made him do it.
Nurse Chris was there to assist, minus chilli con . . . . but Macca must have in a bad way as he went to bed before midnight!
A visit to the St John Ambulance folk at the rally the next morning resulted in a sling and bandages.
Sunday morning was the gymkhana, with the usual games, followed by lunch, and a trip to the Greenhills Pub in the afternoon.
The evening passed without the drama of the night before, although just as enjoyable.
The rally is very well run by the MRA with a kitchen set up by a local non-profit organisation with a variety of food, soup and tea, coffee which is open for as long as anybody's hungry.
It's on private land, so cars are banned and were unable to get in to the rally site due to barricades.
The ride home was in perfect weather, it was a great weekend, made particularly enjoyable by the company that we kept.