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Bob was missing again! So Kim was looking after the crew on a really
good day for a ride. There was a good selection of bikes, with Keith and
Chris Offer on their Can-Am.
After a chat we got going around Marine Drive to Lower Denmark Road with
a stop at Youngs Siding for a cuppa or snack. Good to see just about
everyone knew to stop at Young Siding except the back-up vehicle – who
stopped at Elleker - they did catch up though (no names mentioned).
Dave and Geoff met us at Youngs Siding and after a short stop we then
made our way to Lights Beach. We spent a while looking at the
beautiful coastline and some good waves, but everyone had forgotten to
bring their surfboards!
We then headed back into Denmark, with some stopping at the Bakery for
lunch and cake, and then meeting up with everyone else at the lookout
off Mt Shadforth Road where we stopped for lunch. An excellent spot,
good views - we even saw a ship going past. Some land next to the
lookout is for sale, but I think the price would have scared
After lunch and a chat we all headed off home. Keith - helmet on before riding off!
Thanks everyone for another good outing. Garry Taylor and Chester Powell were on back-up duties - thanks guys.