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December 2018 Club News

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Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Photos by John Mac

Matt, Don and the distinguished Bob Boyes.Unfortunately Chris and I were away for the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride - well, not that unfortunate as we were riding BMW's around Japan - haha. But there was a turnout of I think eight distinguished gentlemen, some of whom you can see pictured here.

Och aye - McKinnon at his finest!

John Mac excelled himself with the tartan gear, especially the kilt. With a strong Albany breeze he was lucky he was clothed in something underneath.

Don rode a very distinguished-looking Heinkel scooter. It looks great, and even has a spare wheel on the back.
Andrew's looking good in his plus 4's.

It was the same route as last year, finishing at the Hybla Tavern. Gotta be there next year.
The lovely Norton of Bob's being outnumbered by BMW's.

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