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great day for a ride, about seven riders turned up including Julie with
her late father’s bike – how many bikes do you really have Julie?
We headed along Chester Pass Road and turned left to the Porongurups Road to Mt Barker and of course we stopped at the bakery for coffee, but not cake, however a few did give in and indulged themselves, especially with a huge lamington – I think that was Julie’s!
the time I got my coffee and headed outside, a couple had left to get
home, so 5 of us went on our way to Denmark for lunch by the
river. Keith Offer had left Mt Barker earlier than the group (I
thought he had gone home) but he ended up at Denmark before us and
didn’t realise we had chosen a different park by the river – that’s what
happens when you don’t listen to instructions!
Osborne on his Triumph joined us for lunch at the new venue, which is a
really good spot. After lunch, a chat and solving the world’s
problems, we all made our way home.