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October 2018 Club News

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Perth Bring Out Your Oldest Bike Ride

Story & Pics by Clive Oakes

One view of the lineup of bikes.
Once again we had perfect weather for the 2018 "Bring Out Your Oldest Bike Ride".  By 10am Sunday morning we had approximately 40 bikes ready to roll.

A Tiger Cub amongst the girder fork bikes.
We were joined by the WA "VJMCC" guys on some tasty old Jap bikes along with "AVCMC" and "CMRC" members along with several blow-ins, one on a Rudge Ulster!
Don’t see these very often - a Rudge Ulster.

Start ‘em young, mind you a BMW with training wheels, might be handy for some of their full size bikes.Even a young fella on his electric BMW. Sadly we only had four girder fork bikes turn up but that's better than none.

We all had a lovely ride through the very green Chittering Valley and refreshments at the Bindoon pie shop, with no mishaps along the way.

Thanks to my helpers, Stuart Barrie for leading the second group of bikes, Peter and Saskia for providing a back up car and trailer.

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