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February 2018 Club News

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Porongurups Ride

Pics by John Mac

Caroline’s immaculate 650cc Pantah.
We had a great ride out to the Porongurups, with a little bit of dirt thrown in if you wanted it. So off we went to Elleker for a coffee or ice cream. Caroline and David had ridden over from Denmark on their Ducati’s.
Charles’ new Honda CBR, not exactly a commuter bike.

From there it was through Youngs Siding, turning up the Denbarker Road before Denmark, lovely road, although like a lot of country roads is getting more bumpy these days.

Before getting to the Muir Highway we turned up Spencer Road towards Narrikup, now this is a great road these days, smooth with some nice sweepers.

Across the Albany Hwy and down Yellanup Road which is a bit straight, but with nice views of the Porongurups.
Ross riding down Woodlands Road to the Porongurups.

Most kept on going through to Chester Pass Road and the Porongurup BBQ site that way, we turned up the gravel on Woodlands Road, its not that far, the road is fine and the view is tremendous.

Ian fixing his gearstick with Ross and Pete looking on.
We finally arrived at the Porongurups BBQ area. Ian, Ross, Pete and John were a bit late arriving, mainly because Ian’s gearstick had slipped, luckily had not fallen off altogether. I remember that feeling years ago, going to change gear and nothing there! I can also remember arriving in Albany in winter at night riding down from Perth going to put my foot down at a stop sign and my foot and leg was frozen, just managed it before falling over.

Porongurups BBQ area.
Anyway Ian fixed up the gearstick and they all made it safely. The ignition wasn’t working on the BBQs, so the task was to find someone who smoked, not so easy these days. But eventually we got it going.
A most enjoyable day, I think there were fifteen bikes.

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