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Ahh, winter’s over at last, and good weather greeted us for a Sunday
ride out to Peaceful Bay. It also meant that numbers were back to normal
with over 20 bikes on the ride.
set off from the info bay along Lower Denmark Road to Youngs Siding
where we were stopping for a break. Here we met Chris Sainty, Ronnie,
Antoinet and Jacob as well as Chris Williams who belonged to the Club a
few years ago before leaving Denmark with work. His Triumph has been
replaced with a 916 Ducati.
We then headed off to Peaceful, turning at Denmark to ride up the brilliant Scotsdale Road. We had a good run before coming to a bit of a traffic jam of bikes being held up a by a car, but luckily not far from the Alpaca Farm turn-off.
was then a downhill ride to the main road. Once over the Bow River
Bridge a left turn to Peaceful Bay where there are excellent BBQ
amenities just before the shop, which had some good reviews.
It was good to see Dan turn up on the Ariel. and Philip from Denmark.
Geoff, also from Denmark, also came out to meet us, unfortunately he
read the calendar wrong and was waiting at Parry’s Beach, so he had a
quiet lunch enjoying his own company.
His wife pointed out the error of his ways when he returned home! After a longish lunch we headed home, a great days ride, looking forward to some more warm days.