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a great ride and good fun. And we raised (with over 30 Club members and
family present) $383.55 on the day for the Albany Hospice. The Club at a
previous meeting had agreed to put in $400. So in total the cheque we’re
donating to the Albany Hospice is $783.55. This money is needed as the
hospice funded mainly by the Albany community.
We started the day off with a Poker Run, dealing out a card at the start, another at the Elleker store, then the Wind Farm and finally two cards at Garry and Marie’s place.
weather was a bit cool starting off and a coffee was welcome at the
Store. Geoff and Ike joined us there. The Wind Farm was going full
steam, although the sun was shining, and it was good to see Wendy and
Andrew arrive after being in Manjimup.
We then played follow the leader to the Taylor’s house where Garry and Marie had first of all a hot drink and then lunch under control. No sooner had we got off the bikes and headed to the patio there was a short downpour - good timing. Lunch consisted of a delicious home-made hamburger and salad.
the meantime we checked the poker hands and Garry Taylor won first prize
which was a $100 voucher from Camping Kayaks 4x4 with three 9’s. Worst
hand was 8 high which Barry Robson won, and he received a $50 voucher
from Camping Kayaks 4x4, 173 Chester Pass Rd, Albany. They’re supporting
us, so support them, but when you do, say you’re from the Albany Vintage
& Classic Club and at the end of the year we get a cheque from them.
lunch we set a bottle of wine up on a table and the game was to slide a
coin and try to get it as close as possible to the bottle. It ended up
with a 3-way tie, so we had a play-off with Chester, Lurline and Garry
Dibble. Chester won and he received the bottle of wine plus a selection
of jams and chutney that Marie had produced and put together.
Ian’s grandson, Jack, did a good job of picking up the coins and
adjudicating which coin was the closest.
Thanks to Garry Blake for going back-up and a special thank you to Garry
and Marie Taylor.