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June 2016 Club News

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Neil Bromilow at the Roaring Twenties Rally

by Robyn Bromilow

There were 46 entrants in the rally this year, and the weather was just magic the whole time. I had our covered trailer so was elected as the luggage vehicle for the weekend.

Neil Bromilow roaring along on his veteran BSA.
I was able to follow Neil all weekend, just in case he needed to stop. As this was the first time in two years that he has ridden for two full days on the bike. As you can see by the grin he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Bob and Maureen Whittingstall, their daughter and her boyfriend Tristan, Kelvin Mears, and David and Shirley Main attended from our branch. Bob had some problems in the rally.

While we were in Nannup one of the locals showed us a tree that had previous flood measurements as a point of the town’s history

It was great to catch up with friends and enjoy the weekend. Definitely on the calendar again next year.

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