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Once again the Club displayed bikes at the Tracmac just outside
Albany at Victor Webb’s place. And with around 20 bikes on
display of all ages and types it created a fair bit of interest.
It's also a good opportunity for us to sit around and chat for a
while. And there were plenty of people coming over to say hello
as well as Club members from outlying districts.
The Tracmac features a variety of old machinery with tractors
and stationary motors going flat out. The tractors do a bit of
ploughing as well as towing various implements and they date
back to the beginning of the last century. Plenty of old cars
and trucks too.
With good food and hot drinks its well worth the short ride out
there. Thanks to Warwick for bringing the back-up trailer and
Garry and Chester for the loan of chairs and marquees.
See you all next year.