This was a new Club ride, even though its not far from Denmark. We left Albany with just over 30 bikes for company including Gary Carlin who had come down from Perth to join the ride.
After heading along the Lower Denmark Road we stopped at Youngs
Siding for a short break before riding through Denmark towards
Ocean Beach before turning down Lights Beach Road.
Geoff Osborne joined us in Denmark riding his beautiful 1927 EW
Douglas. Chris Sainty and her son, Mitch were at the beach,
Mitch having brought his surfboard down on his scooter.
Ronnie’s mum and dad were over from Friesland, Holland on
holidays and joined us for the day riding with Ronnie in the
back-up vehicle. The back-up vehicle is always appreciated, and
it doesn’t have to be an old bike that ends up on it either,
although we’ve been having a good run lately.
We returned to Albany back along the Lower Denmark Road. It was
a nice ride whether you were on an old bike or a newer one and
the weather was beautiful.