The Club’s Gymkhana and Sheep on a Spit was held at Colin and
Leanne’s place in February. Weather was perfect and the venue is
brilliant, a big flat mowed paddock for the gymkhana and the
best undercover outdoor area in Albany (if not the world) for
the tasty sheep.
The gymkhana (all knock-out competitions) got underway with the
slalom, zig-zagging in and out of the witches hats, then the
same again, but this time you had to ride over a plank with a
round log under it to make it interesting.
We then had the go-slow race which was split into two as there
were many riders. Followed by the newspaper run, picking up
rolled newspapers from a bin at one end of the paddock and
dropping them off (one at a time) at the other end of the
paddock, this involved a rider and pillion, the pillion doing
the paperwork.
All eyes were on 2-year-old Oliver who was dad’s helper, he did
a great job and received a round of applause at the end of the
The last event was a version of musical chairs only the pillion
had to jump off the bike when the klaxon sounded and run to the
hay bales in the centre of the paddock where there were 8 boche
balls hidden, each time one was taken out until there were just
2 bikes left with Gerald riding pillion on Steve’s BSA and
Ronnie pillion on John’s BMW. Gerald won, Ronnie is still trying
to figure out how he lost.
Great afternoon with plenty of riders, pillion, spectators and
laughs. It was then time to relax with a few drinks while the
sheep was getting ready to be carved. Colin’s brother, Graham,
came down especially for the weekend and did a great job cooking
the sheep, it tasted superb.
There was plenty of salad, bread, sausages as well to satisfy
anyone’s hunger. When the sun had well and truly gone down,
Colin brought up a big white truck, the side of which was to be
a very large screen, so with a DVD projector set up we were at
the movies watching “On any Sunday” an old motorcycle movie from
the late 60’s/early 70’s. It looked great on the big screen.
What a great way to finish off the day. Many thanks to Colin
and Leanne for the use of their place, Graham for cooking the
sheep and Ronnie and Antoinet for helping organise the day.
There was a mix-up with the dates in the “Future Events” column
which had the Gymkhana listed at Sunday, Feb 21. It should have
been Saturday, 21, unfortunately Don and his family turned up on
the Sunday, apologies for the mix-up, they thought they were
first to arrive and were very pleased with themselves, until
they realised it happened a day earlier, sorry mate as I think
you took a bit of flack.