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April 2015 Club News

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Bunbury 2 Day Rally and bonus Bruce's Version of the Event

Show and shine your old bike at Bunbury.
The 2 Day Rally in March put on by the Bunbury Indian Harley Davidson Club is always very well organised and great fun. The Albany group (together with Phillip from Kojonup) left early on Friday for the 360km ride, stopping at Denmark to pick up Ronnie and Antoinet who were waiting for us.

After a break at Walpole we were riding through the recent bushfire-ravaged area for 40kms before stopping at the Northcliffe turn-off. Then on through Bridgetown and Donnybrook before arriving at the Motocross track where the Club and the Rally was based.

AVCMC campsite in Bunbury.
While we were setting up camp the Perth Club members arrived. It was then time for a few drinks and to fire up the BBQ. After an enjoyable night we were ready for the Rally. We were given a bag with our number, badge etc.

Ralph and Mo ready to go.
The idea is to nominate an average speed and the winner is the closest to it over the 2 days. Over 170 riders were competing, on bikes ranging from veteran to classic, but the bike had to be over 25 years old.
We were given electronic tags for the check-points to check us in with. There’s a long course for the Saturday (230kms) and short 100kms.

Ronnie making minor roadside adjustments to the
We were on the long one which took us to Balingup for lunch and back to Bunbury via Nannup. The short course went through the Ferguson Valley. We arrived back in the camp around 4 pm with no real dramas.

Saturday night is a delicious meal provided by the ladies of the Bunbury Club, there’s also a bar available for drinks. This was followed by a Quiz Night, which was good fun. Our members were split into two groups and our one was lucky enough to come joint winners. There was a deciding question which we got wrong, who would have thought that there were 35 million packets of Tim Tams sold each year! But we ended up with four bottles of wine which we’ll take on the week away.

Morning stop on Sunday.
Next morning there is a shorter ride of around 100km and both groups met up at Donnybrook for a coffee.
It was all over by noon. After lunch the awards are handed out and Stuart won best visitor on his 1975 Honda 400/4. We broke the ride home up by camping at Quinninup overnight, great place with a tavern close by for a meal.

Next morning it was overcast but OK, as soon as we reached the highway though it started drizzling and did so most of the way to Walpole. Like a fool I didn’t bring my wet weather gear and was wet through, and spent most of my time in Walpole in front of the pie warmer in the Bakery. The showers eased closer to Denmark and it didn’t take long to start drying out.

1929 Scott.
Great weekend, and company, always good to catch up with the Perth crew. So if you’ve an older bike, chalk it in the calendar. Peter Scott and Phillip hadn’t been before and they both were very impressed and will be back.

Bruce’s Bunbury 2 Day Rally

Packed bikes on trailer and headed off to Bunbury Friday nite, arriving at 7.30 in time to set up tent and have a couple of cold ales with the rest of  the Albany crew.

Bruce and Kylie's bikes in foreground.
Up early Sat to get ready for days start. My time 72 kmh, Kylie’s 69 kmh. Me on the R60 BMW and Kylie on the ‘76 750 Bonnie. Ended up in Balingup for lunch via some great back roads then on to Nannup - Kirup and Donnybrook.

Dinner as usual was yummy and I ate far too much and paid penance all night with a rumbling belly. Then the quiz nite started and the Perth bunch were kicked to the kerb by the Albany braincases who came 2nd, so more fun had. Off to bed and up early again Sunday for a 9am start.

Bruce giving Stuart a helping hand to get started,
          Stuart then won best visitor.
Up the Ferguson Valley then across to Capel and back to club house. Two great days of riding with perfect weather. The Indian Harley club have got some top blokes to join in with and make you feel welcome.

Out of 173 entries Kylie came in about 77th and me about 85th. Plus we didn't get wet going home.
There are some advantages of living in Perth, Bob.

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