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The format for our premier Club event will be basically the same
as previous years. We are lucky enough to be using the
facilities of the Albany Rifle Club, (just past the turn-off to
the Wind-Farm, Frenchmans Bay Road) for the weekend.
It has a clean kitchen, hot showers and toilet facilities
available. There is also a bar on-site that will be open from 5
p.m.- 12 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday evening.
Motorcycle Display on the Saturday morning
Stirling Terrace will be closed for non-motorcycle traffic as a
safety precaution and as usual the line-up of bikes should be
most interesting. There will also be 2014 Hill Climb metal
badges available, these can be purchased for $15.
Saturday Afternoon Rally (Poker Run)
Once again this will be in the form of a Poker Run, entries will
only be taken on Stirling Terrace, Saturday morning, there will
be no prior entries. The Poker Run is suitable for all
motorcycles, no matter what size or age. There will be short and
long courses to suit your bike. Entries will close at 11.45 am
and the briefing will take place in Stirling Terrace at 12.20
pm, the first bike will be away shortly afterwards. Entry for
the rally is $15 per person which entitles you to a poker hand
and afternoon tea.
The Poker Run is open to any person with a road-licensed
motorcycle and a current license to ride. Pillions may also
enter, cost is also $15 and this entitles you to a poker hand
and afternoon tea. This year the rally will finish at the Albany
Rifle Club with afternoon tea again donated by Dylan’s on the
Terrace. Thanks Morris and Gwen.
Saturday evening
This year’s meal will again be catered for by 3D Catering
service, this will be a delicious Buffet style dinner. It will
be held at the Albany Rifle Club and the cost is $25 per head
and bookings are essential. It always a great success, so don’t
miss out.
Sunday Hillclimb
This Hillclimb is open to club members and members of other
kindred clubs with a motorcycle license, R-E and R for larger
capacities and this should be carried with you. Helmets are
compulsory and good motorcycle protective clothing as well as
boots and gloves should be worn.
All motorcycles have to be in roadworthy condition, any
motorcycle deemed to be unsafe will be disqualified at the
discretion of the Course Marshall or Hill Climb Committee also
no megaphones or excessively noisy bikes. The bike has to be
capable of completing the Hillclimb in less than 2 minutes, this
is to ensure that there are no overly slow bikes, but not less
that 36 seconds. The bike has also to be pre 1980.
The first 100 entries will be accepted. One entry per rider,
and the committee have the right to refuse any entry and full
monies will be refunded. Entry fee this year is $50 to help
cover our many increased costs in running this event
The above license and bike restrictions are to comform with
insurance and smooth running on the day
As always, help is needed on Saturday morning, setting up
Stirling Terrace, then helping man the road closures.
Help is needed also with the Poker Run, handing out cards etc.
Lastly help to erect the course on the Sunday morning is needed
and appreciated, breakfast will be available on the hill from 6
a.m. Riders briefing will be at 7.30 am and Riders are to be at
Mt Clarence at 7 am.
The Hillclimb will take the same format as previous years. Then
finally help is needed after the Hillclimb to dismantle barriers
Club t-shirts and polo shirts will be available at the hill for
club members.