Dripping riders fill water-slicked bikes at Walpole.
Dripping riders fill water-slicked bikes at Walpole.
Encounter of the friendly kind with Kenny from Perth at the
Northcliffe turnoff.
Antoinet sadly waves an early goodbye as she leaves to go back to Albany from Northcliffe.
Mary and Raelene enjoying the increased sunshine in Nannup.
Chris ready for the road after a refuel.
Approaching the west coast at Hamelin Bay on the R75/5.
Setting up the tents at Hamelin Bay caravan park.
Lovely evening light at Hamelin Bay.
Andrew and Wendy enjoying Caves Road heading north into warmer temperatures.
Huw showing his happiness on the R60/2 in the Ferguson Valley.
Gary fitting some solar technology to recharge his Ariel's
battery at Busselton caravan park.
Huw and Bob enjoying the scenery at Eagle Bay.
Huw and his beautifully restored 1962 BMW.
Phillip receiving a camping medal from Chris.
Reg leading through the glades north of Pemberton.
Birdman Bob and friends at the Pemberton caravan park.