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October 2013 Club News

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Soccer, BBQ, Bonfire and rides

By Antoinet

Garry’s on target.Ronnie thought it would be a great idea to have the motorbike soccer on the long weekend so people from Perth could come down for two nights. In the end numbers were down a bit because people had booked holidays, the grand final was on and the forecast wasn’t too good. Anyway, we still had a great time and Ronnie’s dad was here from Holland.

The afternoon started off with coffee, tea and cakes and lots of sunshine. People arrived and it was very nice to catch up. The drinks came out of the eskies and there were nibbles galore.

The bonfire at Ronnie and Antoinets.

Motorbike soccer was fun and the bonfire was the biggest we had ever had. The barbeques were lit and everyone enjoyed snags, chops and a variety of salads. Thanks to everyone for bringing in salads and other goodies.

The dirt, or puddle, riders.

Bow Bridge meeting.On Sunday there was a dirt ride though the Mount Lindesay area and a road ride to Bow Bridge where both groups met for lunch. Shame the weather wasn’t too good but all had a good time.

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