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February 2013 Club News

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Bring your oldest bike ride

Pics & Story: Antoinet

Andy and family in chair.
It was a very hot day, we’ve had lots of days like this lately: hot and steamy. Still a great turnout though.

Neil on a veteran BSA.
Lots of bikes and lots of variety: veterans, American, Italian, German, English, a bit of everything.

John from Perth on R1200R.
John Sinclair had escaped Perth heat and had come down to Albany, bit of a mistake. I think it got hotter in good old Albany. But he was keen for a ride. I rode the Le Mans, hadn’t ridden it since April. Ronnie had taken it apart and had done lots of work to it. It looks great and it rides better too.

I took off earlier than the rest, as I wanted to take photo’s of everyone coming into Youngs Siding. Colin and Leanne Dowsett did back up and arrived at Youngs with a veteran on the trailer. Colin Butler got it going again though and took off after we had our cuppa’s.

It wasn't the oldest bike that went on the trailer.
Max’s bike had problems too and it ended up on the trailer. It was very hot by now and John S. said his thermometer said 40 degrees at one stage! It was very hot indeed, especially between Elleker and Cuthbert.
When we rode past the boatshed markets the temperature dropped by about 10 degrees, no idea what happened but it was great. Cool sea breeze, lovely.

We ended up in the park near Emu Point and had our lunch. Big clouds had gathered by now and a thunderstorm started out at sea. Time to pack up and head home before the rain started.

Thanks to Colin & Leanne for doing back up.

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