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August 2012 Club News

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The Surprise Lunch Ride to Ongerup

Keen to ride
          in the wet to Ongerup.
It didn't look like a particularly inviting day for a ride as it was a little chilly, and there was a promise of rain (well it was raining), so I think there was an expectation for each of the 12 riders that arrived at the info centre that they would be the only ones there - unfortunately not ha ha.

I thought I’d better ring the roadhouse to make sure they were open - they were shut, never open on Sundays any more. But one of our riders put in his “two bob’s worth” and said that the Ongerup pub was open - that’ll do we’ll have lunch there.

Off we went stopping at Amelup for fuel and coffee on the way (Amelup is only open to 12 noon on Sundays by the way) and then off to Ongerup to the pub - it was shut, opens at 4 pm.

Enjoying lunch
          courtesy of Jim and Deb.
Hmmm, John who lived in Ongerup at one stage quickly visited his old neighbour and came back with the news that they would put on a sausage sizzle and coffee, great stuff.

Two of the
          children are ready for a ride around Ongerup as Jim looks on.
We arrived at Deb and Jim’s place to be greeted by their six foster children. They were a great couple, very hospitable, nothing was too much trouble. The children were great. We tried to give them some money for their trouble, but they wouldn’t have a bar of it, but Jim said what they would really like would be for us to take the children for a ride,

The kids go
Jim had bikes before and had a couple of helmets. When the rain eased Ron (Triumph) and me (BMW) took them all for a lap around the town and along the highway. The kids thought it was great, Jim and Deb reckoned they would be talking about it for days.

By then it was time to head home. We managed to have a whip around and give the money to John who was to subtly pass it onto the couple when we had gone.

We stopped at Kamballup on the way home for fuel, they’re shut on Saturday afternoon by the way. It just goes to show that you have to plan your petrol stops these days.

Anyway it was a great ride full of surprises. We eventually only went through one brief shower of rain, although it did rain heavily in Ongerup when we were tucking into the snaggers. Thanks again Deb and Jim.

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