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I love K series BMW’s. I have had 5 now, all brought into
Albany; 4 of them still in town and 1 in Denmark, as far as I’m
aware all still running strong. It is the latest one that this
story is about.
A few weeks ago I was browsing the internet bike sales, which
is a habit of mine, when I found an ad for a 1987 K100LT with
only 35,500km on the clock, ABS brakes and looked good in
photos. Decided to have a look; where? A place called Nerang on
the Gold Coast in Queensland.
Monday Feb 28th: Bus to Perth, midnight plane to Coolangatta,
taxi up to Nerang and it is 8.15am Tues. Have never seen so many
bikes in one place, about 15-16 dealers and about 1000 bikes all
in one street.
Found my man Tony, at Bikesales Queensland and eventually went
for long ride, on the Beema; loved it.
We did a deal and I loaded all my gear and took off for WA. By
now it was nearing midday and starting to warm up. Rode to
Beaudesert without incident and then up through the mountains,
lots of stops because of road repairs from recent rains.
By now very hot, onto Warwick and Goondiwindi. Had only done
460kms and wondering why feeling tired. 36hrs out of bed! So
booked into Queensland Hotel. Very happy with the Beema, couple
of beers and a feed and slept like a log.
Wed. 6.30am: Took off from Goondwindi to Moree then onto
Walget. Uh Oh! Burke Road washed out in 2 places and closed. So
diverted S.E. to Coonamble - Warren, back on main road at Nygan,
looked like rain coming up at Cobar (and it did) so booked in to
a motel. Managed to get bike under cover. 856km for the day.
Thurs. 7am: Departed Cobar in drizzle but fine by Emmdale
Roadhouse, people running Emmdale were in Albany for the Ulysses
AGM, so had a great chat over coffee.
Rode out of Emmdale in fine but ominous looking weather out
west, sure enough 20km up the road and down she came. Quick stop
for wet weather gear and off again, no point stopping because
nowhere to hide.
Topped up with fuel at Wilcania and headed for Broken Hill. The
rain was relentless with very heavy showers now and then. The
country through here is very flat and I was soon riding in 2-3
inches of water with occasional deeper depressions I had to slow
down for.
Was happy when Broken Hill loomed into view. Went to see the
RTA but the news was all bad; bridge out 40km west and had to go
south a long way to go around. Still raining, so fuelled up and
took off for Wentworth, 265kms, but at least the rain had
stopped by then.
Had to go further south over the “Murray” and into Victoria
10km from Mildura before I found a road across to the Sturt Hwy
and could finally head to Renmark and the right direction again.
Through Renmark to Morgan with headlights showing the way and
booked into pub for the night. 1026kms, big day!
Fri: Had fish and chips for tea at Morgan, seemed OK but 3am Oh
Boy! it got me bigtime. Hurled the heart out as they say.
Couldn’t go back to sleep properly so got up and had a shower,
cup of coffee, packed the gear on the bike in drizzly rain and
left. By then it was 6.30 but with daylight saving it is not
quite daylight so riding with lights again.
Up to Burra, Spaulding (rain cleared) out onto the hwy and up
to Port Augusta, fuel, coffee and a sanga and headed off west
again. Great day now for riding, sunny but cool and had a good
run through to Ceduna.
Starting to see a number of bikes going both ways, some coming
home from Phillip Island and some coming over from WA to Ulysses
AGM. Rode into Ceduna about 3.30pm in time to pick up throttle
stop that Jim Sharpe had sent over to post office for me. What a
blessing, up till then I had been wringing its neck all day
every day, you don’t realise how good throttle stops are until
you have to go without, “Thanks Jim”.
Still a bit early to pull the pin, so rang Nullabor Roadhouse
to make sure of a bed and took off, arriving about 6pm, but
still plenty of daylight. Another big day 1056kms. Had a couple
of beers with 3 chaps from Roleystone on their way home from
Phillip Island.
Sat: Woke up early, had a coffee and took off about 6.30, just
daylight but plenty of trucks so hoped the roo’s would behave
themselves, (they did). Straight through to Mundrabilla and
bacon and eggs, that feels better! Fuel up and off again,
straight past Madura, nearly into Cocklebiddy, rain imminent,
pulled into a truckbay to don wetgear!
Righthand pannier gone - slight panic now because in that
pannier is a big camera case and in it a camera,(new), GPS,
toilet bag, (with my medication) a pair of leather shoes and get
this - $1000 in $100 notes.
I was still in a state of shock, stopped and waiting to get out
on the road to go back on the off chance I might find something
and no idea how far, when the wagon I was waiting on, to go
through, waved madly and pulled up. I rode alongside hoping they
could tell me something and would you believe the passenger held
up the bag saying “I don’t suppose you are looking for this are
you?” Well I could not believe this, someone was sure looking
after me.
They were 2 uni students on their way to Perth for the Aussie
Championship rowing regatta and King’s Cup, they were towing a
big trailer with 4 long rowing boats on board and told me they
found the bag 200kms back and were pleased to find an owner -
they were pleased?
The pannier didn’t have the same luck, it had come open and
although the bag came out, was still in one piece, they were
walking back to get it when a truck ran right over it and it was
shredded! I tried to give these two young heroes a reward but
argue as I might, they would not take a cent, saying they were
happy to get it back to the owner. Talk about luck . . . and
honest people, particularly when you see some of the types on
that road.
Carried on to Norseman and as it was only 4pm went on to Salmon
Gums and stayed the night at the hotel motel. 1078kms today . .
. Just got settled in and the three chaps from Roleystone
arrived, taking the long way home, it was pizza night at the pub
so we got together and a good time was had by all. Jim and Colin
had been ringing every day to see how I was progressing and Jim
decided to ride out and meet me at Jerramungup. Sounded good to
Sun: Left Salmon Gums 6.45 for the last and should be easy day
(and it was) very hot by the time I got to Ravensthorpe, quick
stop for fuel and a coke then off to Jerry to meet up with Jim.
We had a sanga and a drink and a good chat then set off for
home. Ran into a lot of locusts on the way, Jim claimed I was
stirring them up and he was copping the lot (it’s a dirty lie)
so arrived home with very grubby bikes at 1.30pm 535kms.
In all I covered some 5000km in six days. Would I do it again?
You bet. I enjoyed every minute of the trip ( except the pannier
incident) and the bike is a beauty...