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February 2011 Club News

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Club Concessionally Licensed Bike Inspection Day and Hillclimb Specials

Sunday, April 3 at the Bromilow’s, Elleker - 9844 6275

also Sunday, April 3 at Huw’s, Bassendean - 9279 5923

Two Ronnies checking the VoskhodFOR those with bikes licensed under our Club Concessional Scheme you must bring your bike out to the Bromilow’s from 8 am onwards, Sunday, April 3.

This is a requirement by the DPI for our Club Examiners to annually inspect all concessionally licensed bikes for roadworthiness. After inspection you will be issued with an Inspection Certificate and a 2011 sticker will be placed on the rear plate.

You must also be a financial member of the Club - fees are due on April 1. The Membership Secretary will be there on the day so you will be able to pay your fees then if you wish.

Neil, Ronnie, Robin, Antoinet and Chris are giving up their day for your benefit and to make it easier for you, so do the right thing and turn up.

There will also be tea/coffee and cakes and biscuits provided for members during the day. Members without concessionally licensed bikes are also very welcome to come out and have a look and enjoy the social part of Inspection Day.

Neil getting ready to check...If you are unable to turn up because of personal commitments then it is your responsibility to get in touch with Neil (9844 6275) and make other arrangements to get your bike out there at another time. It is not Neil, Ronnie or Huw’s job to get in touch with you.

If you are going to be on holidays or away from Albany for whatever reason all you have to do is ring Neil (or Huw) and they will arrange another earlier time (before your holidays) for you to have your bike examined.

NOTE: If you cannot take your bike out to Elleker on the day because it is dismantled/has a wheel missing or whatever the reason please fill in the form (12KB PDF) and post to:
Neil Bromilow, PO Box 247, Albany WA 6331.

If you live in Perth or surrounding districts Inspection Day will also be on April 3. If it is necessary to have your bike inspected on a different day get in touch with Huw - phone: 9279 5923 Mobile: 0439 930 368 and arrange a time to have your bike checked that is convenient for him.

Don’t forget that if you do not have your bike inspected prior to June, then it will be de-listed and the authorities notified of this, you will need to have your bike checked at a DPI station and fully registered to avoid fines and demerits if you do not do so and are caught riding your bike illegally - sounds expensive.

NOTE: When you bike is repaired and ready to ride you must have it inspected and passed as well as a sticker attached before you use it. This information also goes to the DPI in Perth with Neil’s monthly return.

The worry for Concessionally Licensed Clubs like ours in WA is that the DPI will get fed up with Club members not having their bikes examined on time and either (a) put the fees up, like South Australia where annual concessional rego is around $140 per bike or (b) do away with concessional licensing all together. It’s in your hands so do the right thing and get your bike checked on time.

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