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There were about 40 motorbikes on
the Amelup,
Boxwood Hill and Wellstead ride.
The weather was great and the riders
happy to go on one of the nicest rides in the South West. We had a good
run to Amelup where we had a coffee stop. Warwick was showing us the
way towards Boxwood Hills where we stopped for lunch.
It was great to see a lot of members on the
ride and to have a chat with members Ronnie and I hadn’t seen for a
while. Most people went straight back to Albany and some stopped a
Wellstead for an ice cream. This ride was one of Max Taylor’s favorite
rides, I think most riders’ thoughts were with his family in this
difficult time. (Web editor's note: Max died just before this ride,
aged 87. Go to the last inspection day story and mouse-over
Max on the Harley to see what he was riding 56 years before that.)
Although Ronnie and I didn’t know Max very
well, we always enjoyed it when he was around. We always had a great
laugh with Max and I never forget the first time we met him on a ride
to the Stirlings. Ronnie and I were two up on our Harley Road King when
suddenly this BMW comes flying past us. When we came to our destination
we looked at each other in amazement when we realized it was Max riding
the fast BMW!
Or the time we went to Collie for the races.
Max came all the way to Collie with us and once there he turned the
bike to go straight back to Albany. He couldn’t stand or walk for long
periods of time so came just for the ride (about 600 k’s all up).
Last year at the Inspection day we
had another
great laugh with Max when he arrived at the Bromilow’s on a Harley
Davidson. Max wasn’t really impressed with this motorbike and knowing
that Ronnie likes these American bikes, Max had a good time stirring up
It is great to remember these good times and we
hope to have a future Max Memorial Run to remember him. Our thoughts go
to his family and friends.