It was a wild and wet ride to the Kamballup Hall for the AGM,
but about 30 Club members made the journey.
The original plan was to go up Millbrook Rd to Mt Barker,
stopping at the Bakery for a refill before heading down the
Woogenellup Rd to the Hall. A wise person would most probably
have changed the plan due to the weather, but trouble is we’re
not that wise.
Having said that, the ride along the 36km Woogenellup Road was
great, no rain and the wind behind us.
The meeting went well with the committee remaining the same. I
had a couple of helmets given me by 2Wheels magazine as a sort
of recognition of our Club Magazine after they received a copy.
The one helmet was an (illegal) German military type helmet
with goggles, this caused great hilarity with Ronnie trying it
on - as well as others.
Chris was awarded Life Membership in recognition of the work
she has put in since the Club was formed, and still puts in to
this Club
The ride home was also OK. Thanks to all those who turned up and also to the committee for putting up their hands again. Thanks also to Ron Allen who went back-up, most probably the warmest of the lot.