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August 2010 Club News

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Ride to Pemberton

By Andy Burn

On a beautiful Sunday morning about 20 gathered at the info bay eager to get on the road to Pemberton.
Julie quietly informed us it was Max’s birthday so after a quick briefing from Bob a hearty “Happy Birthday” song was sung to a red-faced young Max.Max having a good birthday

We all headed off except for Bob’s BMW which decided to play up and drop oil - don’t tell Ronnie. The ride was off for him, and being a good wife Chris decided to stay and comfort him.

On to Bow Bridge for a cuppa, some went on to Walpole for cuppas. We all regrouped in Walpole where Ian and a couple more went back to Albany, the rest headed to Northcliffe where we stopped for a short breather and on to Pemberton where Ray and Dave were waiting.

Father and daughter leave Albany togetherThey had left Albany earlier. After a good feed of pies, snaggers, coffee and bullshit we said bye to Ray who was heading to Augusta. We all fuelled up and headed back to Walpole.

Bob Jacko was in a hurry to get back to watch his beloved Eagles so he and Mick were not seen again that trip. The rest of us carried onto the toffee factory where we indulged in a huge ice-cream and onward to Albany. Great time had by all on a great day, on a great ride.

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