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June 2010 Club News

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National Heritage Day

It was another perfect day for a ride, clear blue skies and no wind. After assembling at Woolies car park our Club, the VMCC, Vintage Car Club and Hot Rod Club took off for a ride to firstly Mt Barker and then Jingalla Wines in the Porongurups for lunch.

Chatting hard in the Woollies carpark

Phil O’Halloran (BSA) and Don and Margaret Ball (CZ) had brought their bikes down from Kojonup and Katanning for the event.

The idea of the National Heritage Day is to publicise the older vehicle movement to the general public all over Australia and to make Governments aware that there is a lot of support for this type of transport to be kept on the roads using concessional license, kind of political really.

Frank proudly shows his Jawa while blinded by the sun
Saturday was a display in York Street, so thanks to the members who turned up with their bikes there.
Thanks also to Les and his mate who went Back-Up, coming in from Denmark to do the job on Sunday. Neil had his own trailer following him thanks to Robin, and Margaret followed Don on the CZ. As we had so many trailers there were, of course, no break-downs. Although Lez helped John Northcott out with fuel after the bike ran out just as he was entering Albany.

Ronnie gives a heritage push to a reluctant Ariel

It was a most enjoyable day - see you next year.

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