we rode to Bunbury for the Indian Harley 2 Day Rally we stopped for
lunch in Bridgetown. After a while the local ranger came over as we
were eating our lunch at the cafe across the road and informed us that
we were not allowed to park our bikes in car parking bays as they were
for cars, not motorbikes.
This was even though we’d angle parked them and
there were plenty of empty bays either side of the street.
He informed us we should park in the designated motorcycle bays which
were at the other end of town (a long walk) or at the back of the shops
(where we couldn’t see them). He told us he was sent out to find us
after his boss had seen us illegally parked coming back from lunch.
We were apparently stopping cars from parking
and going shopping, even though we were spending money and there was
no-one else to be seen. Apparently other shires enforce this rule and
one of our members was told to move on after parking his bike in a car
bay in York Street! Web editor's note: I'm going to enjoy it immensely
when 3,000 Ulysses bike riders are in Albany next year, and there are 4
designated bike bays.