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December 2008 Club News

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Narrikup and Denmark Ride

Lunch stop at DenmarkThere were over 30 bikes at the Amity Tavern for the ride to Narrikup and Denmark. Among those were several visitors, new members and members we hadn’t seen on rides for a long time. And for a change Harleys were nearly outnumbering BMW’s. Daniel took the opportunity to ride his Ariel down from Bow Bridge.

It was considerably less smokey than what I’d seen before - something to do with carbon trading scheme.
What started off warm and sunny changed to colder and damper - but not too bad.

Narrikup was a welcome stop for coffee, and a chance for a chat. The road to Denmark is nice and windy, if not a little bumpy, but you can’t have everything can you.

Lunch was by the side of the river at the gazebo. Garry and Raelene rode in on their way back from Pemberton where they had met up with other members of their motorcycling family.

After lunch some of the group decided to keep on going to Bow River, but most headed for home.
There were no breakdowns or major dramas, but thanks Chester for going back-up...

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