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It's been a while since we had a ride to Bruce Rock Pub and I’m
happy to say it hasn’t changed a bit. It was a bit drizzly when we left
Albany, but not unusually once past the Stirlings that was the last of
the rain.
A brief stop for coffee in Amellup, with a couple of interesting
stories from Digger about shearers transport to Broome from Perth a few
years back - wild and woolly then! Before long we were riding the
enjoyable corners on the Pingrup - Lake Grace Road, beautiful.
at Lake Grace Bob Jackson was there to meet us on his brand new BMW, he
looked very pleased with it. Wes and Barb were there earlier but had
decided to carry onto Bruce Rock. After lunch we headed for Kulin, then
north to the pub, stopping on the way to fit a cruise control unit to
Colin’s new Yamaha FJR1300A (A stands for automatic - no clutch lever!).
Barry, Sue (who left Albany early) Wes, Barb, Huw and Elina were
already there and Bruce was inside at the bar - after booking in we all
joined him. The publican was very good and nothing was too much trouble.
Before long the rest of the Perth crew arrived boosting our numbers to
32 - Not a bad turn-out.
Dinner was a counter tea in the Dining
Room, then it was back to the
bar. There were a couple doing a sort of Karaoke act in the corner of
the bar, although I got to say their voices weren’t bad. Bob Jackson
was very vocal singing - I think he should have got up.
There was a
bit of partying, dancing and boisterous behaviour with
the bar filling up with locals - I think we retired about 11.30 to a
pub room with a wall heater (one of the few - worked well too).
Next morning after a leisurely breakfast we said our goodbyes to the
Perth crowd and headed back to Albany through Corrigin, Dumbleyung,
Katanning and Cranbrook - always a nice ride and the weather was clear
and sunny.
Wes and Barb left us at Broomehill for Bremer, and we made it home
about 3.30pm - a great weekend - Now which pub next year?