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June 2008 Club News

Ladies Ride - Heels on Wheels

Story Raelene Blake - Pics Chris & Jo

Getting ready for the takeoff at Amity Tavern
The annual ladies ride is always looked forward to with much anticipation. Elder's weather wasn’t promising anything brilliant for the weekend, so come Saturday the sky was grey but no rain & NO WIND, and as we headed off towards Walpole the sky cleared and we were soon riding in sunshine.

There was a record group of 11 ladies this year and we were set to have another great weekend. We had decided not to have too many “ladies” pit stops this year and headed straight to Walpole for coffee and cake. Much to the horror or delight of an unsuspecting bloke having a quiet coffee. Before he new it, he was surrounded, he then got on his phone and we were sure he was ringing his mates telling them he was having coffee with a mob of “chicks” on motorbikes. No doubt he was leaving out a few details . . .

We then headed off in perfect riding conditions wondering if it was legal to be enjoying ourselves so much! We were soon bought back to reality by a RBT roadblock by 2 friendly blokes from the constabulary. News had travelled fast that we were on the road!! No, we hadn’t been drinking, yes I have got a license and yes I am old enough to be riding, cheeky!

Tammie, forgetting she wasn’t on the race track and taking off at 100kph, made more noise than intended on take off, was sure they were going to follow. I think she was trying to distract the police from noticing Meagan’s tail light hanging by a single wire! Not very observant of them. When we got to the Northcliffe turn-off we stopped and Chris had some gaffer tape which did the repair job perfectly.

Cappuccino top-up at WalpoleNext stop was Pemberton for lunch at the Old Millhouse and a fuel top-up for some. The attendant was obviously impressed with the bevy of woman on bikes, and was heard telling everyone that came through. After lunch we headed off past Karri Valley and left into Stewart Rd and to the Brockman Highway, keeping an eye out for roos. A quick regroup at Karridale and on to Augusta to the Georgina Molloy. There were shared rooms for the quiet sleepers and single rooms for the snorers, who will remain nameless.

A nice hot shower, a wine and debrief and it’s off to the pub for dinner. The meals were excellent, although there was a very new and nervous young boy serving the meals and for a brief moment it looked like Jo and Tammie might be wearing their soup rather than eating it.

Cleaning up at pool... where was that learnt?After dinner Lydia did a search of the hotel and located a juke box and pool table so off we all trouped to the “front bar”. One young local insisted it was a record, as it was the only time there had EVER been more women than men in the front bar. He repeated that just a few times during the night! I think another record was set that night as another local lad was very suspicious of Meagan’s looooooooooooooong legs. He had never come across anyone with legs longer than his!  He didn’t quite get out the tape measure but spent a long time standing in awe next to Alex and Meagan in turn. Meagan didn’t share the secret of her 6 inch heels hiding beneath her jeans.

A pool competition commenced with Meagan and Alex whipping every one of us including the local lads. But they took it in good spirit and extended an invitation to call in and see them playing football next morning when we rode through Manjimup. They said the rest of the team would be sooooo impressed. Very flattering….. but sadly we had to say we would be keen to be getting back to our reception in Walpole.

Back at the Motel, Karen kindly obliged a request for a “belly dancing” lesson. Hopefully no one had cameras out (yes they did) but it was very funny and we were getting very noisy so decided we had better all call it a night as we had a long ride next morning. Everyone was up early, some brighter than others but nothing that a nice brekky at the bakery didn’t fix and then it was back on the bikes, fuel up and off.

Regrouping near the Northcliffe turnoffNow some of us are obviously more observant than others and on our arrival in Manjimup for regrouping and fuel for those who needed it, Karen had encountered a goat on the road and then a peacock! Luckily she was able to slow down in time and no harm done.

Back on the bikes and on to Walpole and what should Karen see but a family of pigs under a bridge. Now I didn’t hear whether there were 3 pigs, a wolf in sight or straw houses but we are going to have to believe her, once again no harm done, luckily they were “under” the bridge.

We had a lovely run from Manjimup to Walpole and it was nice to see everyone there to meet us for lunch and catch up. Once again it was a great weekend, we all had a fun time as usual and are looking forward to the next ladies weekend away.

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