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June 2007 Club News

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Ladies Ride

By Pauline Irwing

Ten Ladies set out from the Amity tavern for the 2007 ladies run. A good mix of old and new, bikes too. The front-runners picked up speed at Narrikup, but a flash of blue lights just before Mt Barker reminder a few of us that we didn’t have our frisking knickers on so we steadied down towards Gilberts for morning tea. Ten riders ready to go

Coffee and cake, and getting-to-know-you chats about the need for a "kelpie" bra and a faster, louder bike and then we were off again, but Jo had to go home to study so back to 10 again. A stop at Frankland to refuel and then to Tone bridge for some photos and to get rid of some of the coffee.

A nice ride through to Boyup Brook: no wind, a little overcast, about perfect really. More fuel needed and then Bridgetown for lunch. A special guest appearance by Ian Parmeter who was most intrigued by we ladies on bikes, (he recommended the quiche with a glass of red). Some had that without the red, which was just as well later on when most of us were breathalised coming into Pemberton.

A windy road with a roo or two through to Nannup and then into the motel at Pemby for a much-needed stop. A couple of aperitifs and a shower and a spruce up, then tea at the Gloucester Motel’s wonderful restaurant: the smorgasborg meal was superb. The place was crowded, so much so that we ended up with the shire president sitting on Pauline’s lap. She likes to keep in touch with local government.

A good meal and some nice red wine had Megan explaining that fuel made a lot of difference in how far her bike went. Thanks Megan, I think we know what you meant?

A lot of tall stories later, much to the education of poor Alex or is it poor Chris, a case of too much information. A little more wine, a feeble attempt at dancing and we struggled off to our beds. A slow start next morning and breakfast and we were off, leaving Diane to find her own way back to Perth, now we are nine. On to Northcliffe, fuel up and then Walpole.

Tammie, Megan and Julie headed out in front, they ended up taking the scenic route, imagine Tammie’s surprise when she then caught up to Chris and Lidia (on her L plates, you go girl). Poor Julie had a bit of a moment on the highway, but a short nervous breakdown on arrival and then all was well.

We all arrived home safely, to be greeted by the menfolk who have missed us all. We all agreed that we had a wow of a time and we’re on for next year.

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